Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time to Adjust During the Skid

The average grade in my class is an F, primarily because students didn't turn in their independent reading logs and failed the vocabulary test.  Time to adjust!  I thought that giving students a list of vocabulary words and meanings and then reviewing each day would be enough, but apparently it isn't.  I've decided to let students retake the test for half credit, but we are going to have a day of concept mapping the vocabulary words and entering them on the students' ipod that have a flashcard application. Lesson learned.

I also plan to have much more accountability for independent reading.  If students don't turn in their logs, I am going to have them phone their parents from my class phone to let the parents know about the outside reading requirement.  As Jonathan would say, "It's a stand and deliver moment!"

Students receiving an F in my class???  Not on my watch!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Now the Challenge Really Begins

I have thought a lot about my third period.  Initially, this class was supposed to have been co-taught with a special education teacher.  Because of the number of special education students in need of services, the special education department then decided the special education teacher should have her own class; however, it doesn't seem that they took the special education students out of my class.

This is a wonderful opportunity for me to determine the effectiveness of The Reading Zone among all students, including accelerated and academically challenged students. I have two students in my class, twins - a boy and a girl, who received accommodations for testing, which of course indicates that they qualify for special education services. Both students seem to really struggle during our reading time.  The girl spent twenty minutes just staring at the same page.  How boring for her!!  This helped me realize that I need to meet individually with the students.  It is my belief that every student can enjoy reading: the challenge is in finding engaging material.  I'm excited to meet with these students.  I hope to see dramatic results.

I occasionally feel stressed when I think about the mandatory testing. My intuition tells me that I shouldn't give up on creating a community of learners, and my strategies will lead to increased test scores as students will increase their reading skills because they love reading.