Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Interesting Day

As we started reading Of Mice and Men, I began by having my students write about their best friend.  Two of my students wrote about me.  Now I'm not naive enough to think I am their best friend, but they both wrote about how much they enjoyed reading, something I truly believe.  Both of these students literally ask if we can read longer than 25 minutes.

I also have a student who constantly complains about literally everything we do.  Today when we were reading, I gave him a copy of Durango Street, which I had seen him reading earlier.  He started to complain, but when he saw it was a book he liked, he said, "Oh well, I like this book."  For him, this is incredible progress.

I am monitoring my ESL students to see if they make the transition from Spanish books to English.  To me, this would indicate a significant increase in English fluency.

I am bringing in some Stephen King novels.  I'm interested to see the reaction.

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